Amazing inventions…

Custom image Rubber Stamps online business

Here is a novel idea for today's saturated online printing and collateral material market. Custom image Rubber Stamps that are small enough to to...

Future Proof software

It was an unexpected blow to all users of Catch Notes when its company announced that it will no longer support this app, leaving...

Sesame lock opens doors without a key

Sesame lock follows the same basic idea as August and other smart locks. You attach it to the lock on the inside of your...

Here Hook

Never again will you have to tell guests where to hang their jackets. Enough said... Another minimalistic wonder from Richard Shed - sheding light...

How To Find And Do Work You Love

Scott Dinsmore's mission is to change the world by helping people find what excites them and build a career around the work only they...

Inside 3D Printing 2013 NYC

This is Daniel Ratai of Leonar3do International, who invented Leonardo device that allows 3D modelers to easily create 3D models. Hailing from Hungary, this...

Roomba inventor invents LVL 1 Drone

Drones may have gone mainstream, but it's not everyday that you see an entry to that marketplace from a veteran technologist with a...

Expectation of Privacy

By Jonathan Zdziarski courtesy Many governments (including our own, here in the US) would have its citizens believe that privacy is a switch (that is,...

Maine School Engages Kids With Problem-Solving Challenges


RoboUniverse 2015: Rethink Robotics Baxter

Rethink Robotics Baxter robot is introduced by Eric Foellmer. This is an affordable robot that can be easily trained to perform repetitive tasks and...